Hepatitis    Crystals for Empaths – The Complete Guide, Phantom-Crystal: Meanings, Properties and Powers, It’s a wonderful stone for healing your emotions, good for soothing the symptoms of depression, This stone will give you the emotional strength, Combining Opalite with Goldstone will enhance your personal power, Find The Right Crystal For Your Career, Success And Prosperity, Mordenite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Gold Pyrite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Blue Barite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Babingtonite: Meanings, Properties and Powers. Arrhythmia    Irritable bowel syndrome    Meniscus tear    Opalite is a stone that will allow you to make the most of your personal power. Is there a difference between crime and sin? Try setting a limit for how long you will wait for them. Me too syndrome    Amenorrhea    Hoarding    attention. These can be related to chronic, Represents physical expression of our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires, Failure to recognize that others have needs and feelings too. Self-inflicted hair removal    The third eye gives us perception of the universe around us through the five senses. Dizziness / vertigo    The descriptions below address only the spiritual component of illness, injury and behaviours. Polycythemia vera    Ringworm    Hair    Spider veins    Can develop after a joint has been injured, but releasing, Beyond the physical causes of this complex disorder, there are many spiritual components to be considered. If you have liver problems, you should take a look at the area of your life and try to become aware of your actions and see whether they are good for you or if they are poisonous. Folliculitis    Breast    Unlike many other crystals, Opalite is a man-made stone created from glass. Taurus Dates: April 20 – May 20 Symbol: The Bull Mode + Element: Fixed Earth Ruling Planet: Venus House: Second Mantra: I Have Body Parts: The Throat Colors: Green & Light Pink Tarot Card: The Hierophant Taurus Traits & Overview. Toes    Amyloidosis    They are very common and usually benign. Adenomyosis    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis    Who should be aware that they have the cysts which will “fuel” for fibroid growth is by the spiritual meaning of fibroids exercising can also affect a woman’s hormonal process of eliminating fibroids as well as often and night face. See, Represents how we feel about where we have been, where we are now, and where we are going, Represent growth designed to help us but that is ultimately harmful, Can arise after observing or experiencing terrifying events over which we had no, Represents our outlook on life and how we feel about ourselves. I don't feel like it syndrome    When you realize your worth, you will learn to aim bigger and higher instead of settling with things that don’t make your soul happy. with unresolved issues, or an unrecognized need to be nurtured, Represent whether we feel free to make choices, express our thoughts and live life as we would like. Sexually transmitted diseases    Glass is the most popular choice because it’s very similar to what’s produced when volcanic ash cools and hardens. Rickets    Barber's itch    Obesity / overweight    Anorexia nervosa    If you want to spice things up in the bedroom, Opalite will also stimulate your libido and your sexual prowess! This will let you be able to move forward. Rotation of femur fibula or tibia    Inclusion body myositis    It can also add a more mystical flavor to many of the vibrations that you will be using in other crystals you own. Walking with stiff arms    We tend to have a favourite sleeping position and after all, we need to sleep in one position or another. Fire Opal and Opalite can create a good balance of passion and vitality with mental clarity and careful, measured progress. They expect us to just pick right up as if nothing had happened, showing a complete lack of sympathy or, Represent our ability to sustain and protect self, Represents negative ideas that creep in and take hold, Intense feeling that we will be left alone or unsupported - AGAIN, AS USUAL. Porphyria intermittent acute    The unique shine of Opalite is what gives it its many nicknames such as Tiffany’s Stone. Building a relationship with our Bulging eyes    Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome    And it will create a sense of peace in your life. This stone will give you the emotional strength to face your fears in love. Addictions    It will help manifest monetary wealth and material affluence. It is my truth that all mental, emotional and physical manifestations of dis-ease are the result of a metaphysical (spiritual) cause -- the hidden meaning of illness. Autoimmune diseases    Help-rejecting complainer    The frequency of Opalite will help you understand your soul’s path in this life. It will clear what troubles you have in your heart. Guillain-Barré syndrome    Feet    Trigger finger    Blindness    Terms of use: No medical advice is dispensed by the author of this text, or by this text, and no responsibility is assumed for the reader’s well-being, or for diagnosis of any medical condition for the reader, or for the reader's treatment of any condition. Stretch marks    Losing one's belongings    Colon    Insomnia    Norovirus infection    Spina bifida    Progressive supranuclear palsy    Motor neuron diseases    It is symbolic of rising consciousness. Cheeks    See, Wishing to live in a different environment but seeing no way to get there, and feeling impatient and frustrated. Cravings    Cavities    Move furniture, get rid of clutter, and open the windows to let light and air in. Prostate    Blepharitis    Laziness    Choking    Feeling like a, Chronic desire to prove everyone, especially the experts, wrong. Vitiligo    Underbite    Jock itch    Put it in the area where you make a lot of important decisions in your career or your personal life. Multiple Sclerosis    Being able to know whether we have had a spiritual experience or are suffering mental illness can help us stay on track with our spiritual development. Otosclerosis    You will be able to concentrate on the more important things. Fear of the next attack, not only of the condition, The uterus sheds its lining as the snake sheds its skin and we are released from the past and set free into the future. Mineral or vitamin deficiency    The healing energies of Opalite will benefit all kinds of life changes. See also, Inability to cope with life without doing certain routines when certain things have happened, or a seemingly uncontrollable urge to repeat a behaviour, whether or not it is acted out. Mental illness    Opalite is very useful in meditation because it will give off a very calming and soothing energy. Toenails    Flatulence    This will enhance your intimacy and your closeness. August 8, 2020 April 2, 2019 by Insight State's Editorial. Over-reacting to a perceived threat. The cycle can be a guaranteed week or two every month when we can, Reflects our inability or unwillingness to live life with a high enough level of emotional and behavioral wisdom to prevent inner chaos and harmful See, Represents patience and tolerance for self and expression of our needs or strong emotions, Substance that transports the vibrations of our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires to each component of our physical body. Diverticular perforation    It will not call out to you loudly, but it will catch your attention in a quiet and natural way. It will help you connect with and receive messages from the spirit world. Hernia    High cholesterol    Hypothyroidism    She played a very significant role from protecting the home from bad eye, evil spirits and sickness, especially diseases connected with women and children. Chronic Pancreatitis – Spiritual Meaning, Causes and Healing. Trying to "seize" someone's attention. Broken teeth    Blood pressure    Cystic fibrosis    Dry skin    Read – Ashwini Mudra – Meaning, Procedure, Benefits, Caution; The Divinity of Sacral Chakra – Lord Brahma, the creator and Saraswathi, the godess of wisdom and fine arts. For individuals looking to enter into the world of crystals and gemstones for healing, Opalite can be a perfect pathway. Aspergillosis    Blood    Stuttering    Drop foot     Quiet dresser    Up-talking    Post-polio syndrome    Wrist - Wanting life to have new meaning yet fearing the unknown, and so wanting to delay the inevitable changes that life brings: Bruises: Difficulty in processing a recent emotional blow to our self-esteem. Together with these empowering qualities, Opalite will also help you unleash your inner strength so that you will uncover and express your deeper feelings. See, Feeling like a prisoner in our life situation. Christ and the Woman with the Issue of Blood by Paolo Veronese Matthew 8:20-22; Mark 5: 25-34; Luke 8: 43-48 Background: As Jesus traveled around throughout the country teaching and working miracles He was approached by “a certain ruler” of the synagogue named Jarius. This combination of man-made stones carries a very strong energy of manifestation and determination. Addiction to pain    Labyrinthitis    Bloodshot eyes    Diastasis recti    This will also keep a healthy balance in your male and female energies, in your light and dark aspects, in your active and passive emotions, and in your daytime and nighttime energies. So take some time and explore to find your perfect crystal and remember to like and share any content that you feel a connection with. Marfan syndrome    So you can successfully take charge of the things that take place around you! We then turn outward to various behaviours or substances for comfort. Unable or unwilling to admire the good work of others. Prostatitis    Bones    This further demonstrates its ability to mold and be shaped into something new. Spinal cord injury    Bleeding gums    Eczema    Pursed lips    Pityriasis rosea    Illnesses have meaning the same way that dreams have meaning. Opalite is also very beneficial for communication on a spiritual level. Sometimes life becomes so hard that you feel like giving up. Narrow heels    A sac or vesicle in the body. Mad cow disease    Unwanted reactions to the things that are supposed to help us be healthy can arise as a result of our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires about any or all of the following: Represents our spiritual infrastructure of. Deep vein thrombosis    Frustration at never seeming to receive admiration, positive attention or recognition for our many (supposedly) selfless acts. In fact worship of Shiv Lingam is considered superior as it helps us believe that god does not have any definite form yet he is so powerful . Because they pave the way for better communication with the divine realm, you can internalize the messages of your guardian angels. Migraine    Represent an unrecognized need for loving attention from self, but believing that our own is not enough to soothe the pain and hurt. Reactive arthritis    Cheilitis    Autism spectrum disorder    Diabetes    Opalite is also known as a merchant stone. Opalite is a beautiful, sky blue stone that symbolizes clear thinking, new beginnings, and childlike glee. Wearing it as jewelry is one of the best ways to keep its healing energies close to your body. Support us on Patreon and get personal crystal advice! Cirrhosis    Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy    Glaucoma    Tendons    Constrictive bronchiolitis    Hands    It will be replaced by compassion, kindness, and gentleness. Pontiac fever    Gums    Relationships will have to experience change, whether you like it or not. See, Can occur if we are about to be tested and, Wanting to hide, and wanting to hide from, the (supposedly), Represents our ability to process, or digest, our thoughts, attitudes and emotions, Results from giving up on the idea that our pain and anguish can ever be compensated for by those who have harmed us (, Represents our ability and/or willingness to take the actions needed to move us onward and upward, Belief that a recent choice or action has left us open for invisible negative entities or energies to invade and torment us. Muscular Dystrophy    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)    Ears and hearing    Crossed eyes    Bronchitis    Alopecia    Memory is an elusive creature; however, here is a brief explanation of its workings from a spiritual viewpoint. Ancient Egypt. And to overcome your challenges so that love will always win. Sensitive teeth    Seborrheic dermatitis    Thyroid    Walk - gait    Hyperdontia    Opalite is a helpful stone to use in past life regressions. Cervicitis    Accident proneness    Skeleton    It will help you integrate its energies into your own energy fields. Joint inflammation    It involves treating all areas related to the heart and arteries, including tests, angioplasty and cardiac open heart surgery.. Cardiac services are provided 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Muscle    Corns and calluses    Throat    Arteriosclerosis    Spiritual success is measured in the degree to which love manifests. Individual teeth    Meningitis    Nausea / vomiting    activities. So your energy flow is always free, strong, and inspiring! Sleep positions    Peg laterals    Epstein-Barr virus    Sneeze    Cellulite    Lungs    Tingling feet    Both of these nicknames further display its spiritual meaning of simple delights and the joys of beholding a thing of beauty. It also helps you transition to your higher self. Norwalk virus    Gray hair (premature)    refuses to go with the flow, or tends to argue just for the sake of being disagreeable. Sliver    Purging disorder    What we are really saying is, “No”. Pleomorphic liposarcoma    Tongue-tie    Psoriatic arthritis    retribution for causing trouble. Learning disorders    If you have concerns about your physical or mental health then you should immediately contact a qualified medical professional. It’s also a great stone to carry around with you in your purse or pocket! The pancreas is in the upper tummy and lies behind the stomach and intestines. Floating kneecap    Far-sighted    Dystonia    If you print, reproduce or use any of this information, credit "Making Change in Our Lives (a workbook)" by Sheila A. McBeath within your material. Human papillomavirus (HPV)    Chronic pain    Opalite has energies that ensure a sense of self-awareness, especially when you pair it with the December Birthstone. Only then can we begin the much longer journey of spiritual exploration and maturation. Sore throat    Shin splints    Detached retina    See, If illegible, wanting not to be understood or wanting to be misunderstood, keeping secrets, Feeling trapped. life-ending trauma in a prior incarnation, Synaesthesia - Visuo-spatial / Odour-Colour, How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime, Neurocardiogenic or Vasovagal syncope (Fainting), Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), Eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS), Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND), Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (ND-PAE), Skin (Pityriasis rosea or Tinea Versicolor). Keratoconus    This stone will also support faithfulness and devotion in relationships. Broken or bent    Stye    It may seem like random chance – some people just pick it up or they are destined to have it … Joints    Alzheimer's disease    For many people who have trouble getting their minds off of very serious and deep topics, Opalite reminds them to stay fun, cheery, and light-hearted. Ligament damage    It is good for soothing the symptoms of depression and in healing relationship problems. A holy and divine symbol of the lord, which is considered sacred by the devotees of the lord Shiva or by the Shaivaites. Poison ivy    Prolactinoma    When placed over your crown chakra, it will stimulate your visions and enhance your psychic powers. Opalite emits a higher and more playful vibration, even if it’s slightly smaller than other natural stones. Choroidal melanoma    Skin disorders    Hips    Even if you have a lot of things to do and a lot of things keeping your mind occupied. Asthma    Tuberculosis    Bell's palsy    Kidneys    Fast talker    All the things that you want to share with your significant other but are too afraid to, will come out. This page is devoted to discovering the true meanings about this wonderfully bold, bright and beautiful flower that is often aptly called the flower of the sun. Crystal fans and collectors love Opalite. Zoonotic viruses, top of list of conditions  |  top of page  |  Site contents Diverticulitis    Forgetfulness    Colour blindness    This website presents the process by which to become spiritually self-aware.Start with the Intro page and progress through each section. Dandruff    Bursitis    A ganglion cyst is the most common lump on the hand, and tends to target women between the ages of 20 and 40 years of age... Diabetes - … Wanting to show our pain to the world, hoping that someone else can fix it. See, Represents whether we feel supported in life, The child has joined the family to experience what it is like to be reliant on the good will of one's caregivers. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease    Feeling extremely vulnerable ("I want my mommy!"). Urine    Ectopic kidney     Fibromyalgia    Broken heart syndrome    Hypochondria    Peripheral artery disease    From there, signals are sent to the nerves in the, Represents nurturing and kindness - either need for, lack of, or provision of, Habitually thinking, “Give me a break” (, Difficulty in processing a recent emotional blow to our, Thought pattern that demands harsh punishment for the tiniest infraction of one’s personal standards. Aggressive anxiety disorder    Irregular heartbeat    If a certain plant or tree comes into your life on any given day, then take the time to see the symbolic meaning behind this occurrence. Encephalitis    Bladder    Clothing choices    Autoimmune disorders    Note: This does not refer to those with few clothing options, or who lack access to laundry services. You will find it easier to control your emotions and direct them in the right way. CrystalsAndJewelry.com has been designed to be the definitive resource for all things related to crystals. It will absorb all the negative energies and transmute them. Hives    See, Represents tolerance/intolerance of self. Nails    Ectopic pregnancy    Dry eyes    Miscarriage    Itchy breast    Cerebral palsy    Interstitial cystitis    Cross bite    Secondary infertility    Shiva Lingam is the most prevalent icon of lord Shiva and is virtually found in all Shiva temples. Anosmia    Handwriting    Fungus    Phlebitis    Open bite    Top of the foot - pain    Proctalgia Fugax    In addition to making you recognize the signs of the universe, Opalite will ensure that you properly interpret them. Fistula    The benefits are multiple: Gives us a sense of always being in, C3 - Stifling or smothering someone or something, or feeling stifled or smothered by someone or something, C5 - Unable or unwilling to See, Represents our sense of responsibility over that which we put out into the world, or that which we create, Exaggerated wound-healing. Osteogenesis imperfecta    Acne    Plantar fibroma    Knock-kneed    See, Feeling there is no escaping responsibilities, and something horrible will happen if our guard is let down even for a moment, The child feeling uninvited or unwelcome in the family, Parental failure to engage in the child's development, A deep desire to receive attention that one knows would be excessive. I didn't have a body and thus no weight, but I was experiencing floating. Opalite will help you survive and flourish. Earache    © 2021 crystalsandjewelry.com | We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Snoring    Multiple personality disorder    Lactose intolerance    Or simply, where you spend a lot of time with your loved ones. Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)    Obsessive Compulsive Behaviours    Opalite stands for new beginnings and, as such, is one of the perfect stones for modern healers. Sometimes as adults we lose touch with our inner child and that’s what deer symbolizes. Opalite will balance your yin-yang energies and align them with your higher self. Mumps    It’s very soothing to the heart and can help regulate an irregular heartbeat. There are also man-made Opalites that are created by opalizing glass to create Opalite’s stunning colors. Is there hope that I won't develop any of the diseases that my parents had? Factor V Leiden    As much as Opalite is an energizing stone, it’s also a very relaxing and calming stone. Haglund's deformity    Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva    See, If arising from the mother-to-be unintentionally exposing her unborn baby to alcohol, required life lessons are being presented for the entire family. Tearing eyes    Rhinophyma    Dawdling    Pelvic organ prolapse    Gallstones    Bone spurs    Ulcers    Shoulders    Gastroparesis    Dry ears    Eating disorders    Alexithymia    Infertility    Furthermore, if you have respiratory issues at times, or often find yourself short of breath, keep Opalite close. Anemia    Muscle cramp    Melasma    In this article, learn about the types and causes of cysts, as well as some treatment options. No personal information is stored in the cookie. Opalite is beneficial for those who have trouble sleeping or often experience nightmares. Yellow Fever    Seasonal affective disorder    Impotence    If arising from the mother-to-be intentionally exposing her unborn baby to alcohol, a karmic situation or debt exists between mother, baby and entire family. Can show us how well or how poorly we adapt to change. This will stabilize your mood swings and remove any blockages in your chakras and energy meridians. Yawning    Urinary tract infections UTI    The following factors and/or serious conditions are associated with abnormal blood clots: Represent an information highway upon which travel our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and desires, Represent our spiritual infrastructure of, The brain is the soul's wheelhouse during physical incarnation. It will eliminate your fears and make you look forward to the new things that will come your way! Dark circles under eyes    Lupus    See, Represent the foundation upon which our reactions to our life experiences rest. This is where the energies of Opalite come into play! An abnormal membranous sac in the body containing a gaseous, liquid, or semisolid substance. Elbows    For most women . Falsetto voice    Skull    Note: This does not apply to those who have sustained, or are recovering from, brain injuries. Pelvic floor dysfunction    Anaphylaxis    Celiac disease    affected body part for information about the underlying issue. Hidradenitis suppurativa    Psoriasis    Bi-polar disorder    As a stone of power, clear quartz is known for its healing power, its healing properties, and its natural healing powers. Emphysema    And these also include changes that you need to make in yourself. Visit statcounter.com to set a Refusal cookie for your web browser.Donate: If the Golfer's elbow    Jaw    Cellulitis    Chronic congestion    Whether you’re placing Opalite on the navel, forehead, heart or sacred altar, it brightens and shines its energy around it, giving a pure beauty and cheer. Torn rotator cuff    Do you know someone who is never on time? Bruises    But there’s no need for that. Hangnails    n. 1. See, Unable or unwilling to let go of the past, Represents determination and perseverance, Represent our ease and comfort, or lack thereof, with change. Either overnight when you sleep, or day to day as you go about your business. Hyperemesis gravidarum    Wrists    Binge-eating disorder    Macular degeneration    Boils and carbuncles    Impetigo    See, Represent our ability to know right from wrong, Represent our ability to cope with learning that things are not as we believe or hope they are, Unwilling to do that which needs to be done (see, Represent how we carry ourselves through life, Represent ability to follow through on commitments. Normal pressure hydrocephalus    Hammertoe    cyst definition: 1. a round mass growing just under the skin or deeper in the body, that contains liquid: 2. a…. Wrinkles    It is both gentle and calm. Peptic ulcer    Night terrors    80% of all diseases are spiritually rooted which means that there is a sin behind the disease: cyst synonyms, cyst pronunciation, cyst translation, English dictionary definition of cyst. Pigeon-toed    Aphantasia    total, Represents the projection of thought into action. Together with Fire Opal, it will cleanse your energy fields and allow the energies to flow unhindered. Gum disease    Look to the following contributing condition(s) for more information (not a complete list): Represent how we interpret that which we hear, Represent our unrecognized or unresolved reaction to traumatic childhood experiences (possibly ongoing) over which we felt we had utterly no control. Opalite’s two primary colors, blue and white, come together to form its unique shine. A through G H through P Q through Z Similar to animals, plants and trees have symbolic meanings. See, Represent our comfort (or lack thereof) with letting go of the past, Chronic, desperate emotional neediness and a stubborn refusal to allow anyone to help; instead choosing to meet our own needs. Part 1 of 3 Why people get sick. spiritual meaning: 1. relating to deep feelings and beliefs, especially religious beliefs: 2. a type of religious…. Recognizing it, along with treating the physical disorder, can hasten healing. Section 5 - Physical conditions and spiritual components. Delayed speech    It is the first place in the human body to react physically to our thoughts, attitudes and emotions. Opalite will soothe frayed nerves and help you overcome your anxieties. Colitis    Two rows of teeth    Fingernails    Cervix    Dr. Geley mentions, as an analogous phenomenon on the material side, the presence of dermoid cysts, those mysterious formations, which rise as small tumors in any part of the body, particularly above the eyebrow, and which when opened by the surgeon are found to contain hair, teeth or embryonic bones. Cradle cap    Birth abnormalities    That’s because this will keep its healing energies close to your body. Hemochromatosis    Orthorexia nervosa    Penis    Ganglion cyst    The pineal gland, a pine-cone shaped gland of the endocrine system, is a highly essential part of the brain necessary to our survival. Teeth    Back pain    Aneurysm    Candida    Scleroderma    See affected body part (, The correct understanding has been gained. Baby talk (in adults)    Burning ear    Opalite is a soft, subtle, and dynamic stone. Tongue    Babbling    Side effects    Pulmonary embolism    Arms    Instead of fretting over insignificant issues that only cause bumps along the road to greatness. but also from a loved one or a supposed friend, Represent how we feel about how we are living our life. The spiritual energies of this powerful stone also bring stability to your yin and yang. Lisp    See, Represents how we absorb and release spiritual life lessons. Kidney stones    Pink eye    It will help you channel it into your everyday life. It will boost your self-esteem and improve your sense of self-worth. It’s an iridescent man-made glass resin which is made up of Dolomite and metal to create an opalescent appearance. Such beliefs can result from family behavioural patterns, which in effect say to the Universe that "I am not worthy to live in comfort" or "I deserve to suffer" or "I am a horrible person". Vagina    A good way of accentuating that energy is by wearing an Opalite necklace. Bacterial vaginosis    Is it a spiritual experience or mental illness? While not currently physically curable, the effects of FASDs can be greatly eased by the entire family practicing, Conviction that no one cares more - about anyone or anything - than we do. However, the root spiritual cause can be traced to a desire (whether recognized or not) to withhold pleasure, either from self or from one's partner, Frustration that our desires are always being denied and belief that they will never be met, Represents inability or unrecognized unwillingness to reproduce. Conduct disorder    Cuboid syndrome    Flat feet    Nocebo effect    Liver    Warts    Melanoma    Whispering    Opalite will keep your mind clear and focused. Absenteeism/Tardiness    Opalite is also an excellent stone to put in your home or office to positively influence its environment. See, Represent our ability or willingness (or lack thereof) to finish old tasks or to accept new ones, Trying to make someone notice us. Bakers cyst    Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease    Swaying walk    Trigeminal neuralgia    Fuch's dystrophy    Can cause a spouse to kill a pregnant mate or a child to kill a parent, sibling or pet. Missed periods    Cardiomyopathy    You can feel its energy as easily as watching an ocean’s tide come in and out on a warm afternoon. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, Belief that one has (or may develop) a terminal disease. Pimples between the breasts    Lymphedema    The person has a spiritual root to the disease or ailment which must be dealt with before the person can be healed. Cancer    With qualities that empower and embolden you, you will effectively provide an outlet for your inner strength.
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