But he counseled delay… [as Kelley put it] Lippmann agreed to help us in every way possible, but warned us that we should injure our case if we attempted to present it publicly before July 4th, after the close of the second presidential convention.” 40, All agreed to wait for Hamilton’s signal, and Hamilton and Lippmann stayed in close touch during those weeks in July 1928. Drink “mazoon,” an old world cure-all, said a third, but the author did not include the recipe for the potion. The level of radiation some of the women endured is simply incredible. Inspired by a true story, Radium Girls traces the On July 16, as the letter went out, Lippmann wrote in an editorial: “In many aspects the disease is surrounded by mystery which only an expert, impartial and national agency can remove… clearly this is a task for the Public Health Service.”41. Photo by Beo Beyond CC BY-SA 3.0. When the press turned to Berry, he refused to comment, saying he would “prefer to try the case in court.”35 But Lippmann was furious. (She looks around, taking in the memory of the dialpainting studio.) “The book the Radium Girls was required reading for all students one year at my college!” He informed me. When he realised he may be facing his own death, von Sochocky finally decided to help the girls. 11 “A Most Valuable Accident,” The New Yorker, May 2, 1959: 49. 25 Ethelda Bedford, “Radium Victims too Ill to Attend Court Tomorrow,” Newark Ledger, May 17, 1928. “I think I pointed mine with my lips about six times to every watch dial. After a few strokes, the brushes would lose their shape, and the women couldn’t paint accurately. In 1927, attorney Raymond Berry filed a $250,000 suit against U.S. Radium on behalf of Fryer and four other women. 31 William Kovarik, “The Ethyl Controversy: How the News Media and Health Advocates Set the Agenda for a 1920s Environmental Debate over Leaded Gasoline and the Alternatives,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Maryland, 1993. Headlines included: “Woman Awaiting Death Tells How Radium Poison Slowly, Painfully Kills”20 and “Would You Die for Science? Source: Pit River County. 45 David L. Protess, Fay Lomax Cook, Jack C. Doppelt, James S. Ettema, Margaret T. Gordon, Donna R. Leff and Peter Miller, The Journalism of Outrage: Investigative Reporting and Agenda Building in America (New York: Guilford, 1991): 220-22. On Labor Day, 2011, a statue was unveiled in their memory in Ottawa IL, one of several locations where radium watch dial painters worked. Their hair,  faces, hands, arms, necks, the dresses, the underclothes, even the corsets of the dial painters were luminous. About two years later, her teeth started falling out and her jaw developed a painful abscess. One of the macabre fascinations with the “Radium Girls” story was how — assuming the women won the lawsuit — one might spend a quarter million dollars with only a year to live. So much light. Luminous radium found a place in a dial-painting “studios” where glowing paint was applied to instrument gauges, clocks, and wristwatches for the USRC — United States Radium Company. New Jersey Consumers League chairman Katherine Wiley brought in a statistical expert and also contacted Alice Hamilton, a Harvard University authority on workers’ health issues. The two sisters were bedridden, and Grace Fryer had lost all of her teeth and could not sit up without the use of a back brace, much less walk. Learn The request was not unprecedented, since league officials had been involved in many official state and federal investigations. The man who tried so hard to convince everybody that there were no serious side effects of the paint he discovered didn’t even want to admit that he was sick. The work was glamorous – it was all girls, some as young as 14, seated in rows and earning three times more than other factory workers. 21 “Would You Die for Science? Raymond Hirst Berry (1897-1971) Attorney. The Radium Dial's new attorney. She got herself unpleasant burns by improperly handling radium, after which the couple knew that their discovery was dangerous. 2 Affidavit of Grace Fryer, Fryer et al. Also, Associated Press,  “Inventor is Killed with Radium Paint,” Baltimore Sun, Nov. 15, 1928, p. 19. Grace Fryer and the other women at the radium factory in Orange, New Jersey, had no idea that they were being poisoned. Now a British author, Kate Moore, has just published a book about a milestone legal case in which Raymond Berry plays a major role : The Radium Girls: They Paid with Their Lives. It was also widely accepted that a little bit of radium was good for human health. The duo went to court. The blizzard of publicity surrounding the case worried some medical consultants. Later, Fryer found out that this examination was part of a campaign of misinformation started by the U.S. Radium Corporation. 26 “Mme. Related Video: The people who live in Chernobyl’s radioactive zone. In 1927, attorney Raymond Berry filed a $250,000 suit against U.S. Radium on behalf of Fryer and four other women. In the end, the Radium Girls themselves achieved a small measure of justice, despite the efforts of their employers to deceive and marginalize them. RAYMOND BERRY is the attorney for the dial painters. Katherine's ally.
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