i have missed out on so many blessings that God was trying to give me. My question is, when she gets to the point of having to eat like a pig does and says she is ready to live under our roof again, eventually returns to her old ways (because she will only be coming back because she has no other choice) and leaves again, do we just keep taking her back each time thereafter? When the young son came to his father to ask for his inheritance, in the Jewish culture of that day, it was like he was saying, “I wish you were dead!”  This was highly unconventional and was insulting of the father.  This is what the Jewish leaders understood and in their minds, they would not have received the young son back into the family.  In fact he would have been disinherited or even stoned as was done in the ancient Jewish culture in the Old Testament. What great insight my friend. I see a situation of a Christian Prodical/female minister leaving the church due to sexual harrassment then shuned and rejected because she reported the behavior. Malcolm Bright, one of the best criminal psychologists around, uses his twisted genius to help the NYPD “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I was baptized when I was younger and fell into sin for several years. She didn’t change ANYTHing, just became more defiant. We continue to thank God for His mercies towards us. I believe that he is also teaching us about the older son who refused to welcome his lost brother back and refused to go the celebration. He came to his senses, humbled himself and returned home (Luke 15:17-21). I for one, started my father ministries and donated ALL of my earning in year 2000 to start my father’s ministry till what is it now today. Did you feel God telling you to allow him back in your home? (4) We may suffer persecution because of our faith—especially when we take a stand on biblical issues, i.e., suffering for righteousness sake (2 Tim. Thank you kindly for your time and dedication to Our Father. Thank you sir, you gave me something to think about and I surely am still in a process of learning. 12 The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them. I am making a play about the prodigal son for our Christmas cantata I found this very helpful. Because you are unable to hear what I say.  You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. Summary: Criminal psychologist Malcolm Bright (Tom Payne) helps solves murders with the NYPD while dealing with his father Martin (Michael Sheen), who was a serial killer and still wants a relationship with his son in this crime drama from Chris Fedak and Sam Sklaver. The Prodigal Son represents wayward children, those who have strayed away from God and his kingdom. I my self was baptized just a month or so ago. Ricardo, thank you sir for your wonderful comment. God’s children, repenting and returning to their Father? Powerful image. I totally agree. Jesus loves the church and the Scriptures said He gave His life for her. Bad fruit? Also, this book of Hebrews was written TO Jewish Christians who saw Christ and knew He was the Son of God and saw His miracles and many saw Him after they were resurrected and so it was written to them. I was always told that the Lord do things for a reason and right now, I truly believe that it is time for me to turn my life around and except Jesus in my life but I do not know where to start. Thanks for your patience… and the way you handle the comments. WHY. I could not accept this and could not sleep every day….please God I need an answer. The son returned and repented so since God grants repentance (2 Tim 2:25) the Prodigal was not a carnal Christian a Christian at all prior to coming to the Father.
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