Added by Laws 1996, c. 66, § 1, eff. Repealed by Laws 2002, c. 295, § 8, eff. E.  Any person convicted of violating the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days or by both such fine and imprisonment. The provisions of this subsection shall not exempt nonresidents owning land in this state nor any person leasing land, for the purpose of hunting. Added by Laws 1994, c. 318, § 6, emerg. §29-3-306.1. G.  Any person convicted of violating any provision of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. B. Any person violating the provisions of this subsection, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment in a county jail for a term of not more than ninety (90) days or by both the fine and imprisonment. Laws 1974, c. 17, § 7504, emerg. The fund shall be a continuing fund, not subject to fiscal year limitations, and shall consist of all monies received pursuant to the provisions of Section 4-133 of this title by the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission. For any person who makes application for and fills out the required information for the migratory bird permit by means of the Internet, the two-dollar fee shall be waived. §295201. 3. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 182, § 68, eff. Definitions of words and phrases. C.  Each commission so appointed, or each city or incorporated town owning and operating a lake, shall have exclusive control and jurisdiction of fishing and hunting in said lake, including any portion that may be on a highway or section line road; provided that no such commission, city or town shall pass any ordinance or regulation contrary to the State Wildlife Conservation laws and regulations adopted by the Commission. §29-2-106.1. Laws 1974, c. 17, § 3304, emerg. Those holders of a scientific purposes license which specifically authorizes taking wildlife in such manner. b. Sixty-eight Dollars and fifty cents ($68.50) for a professional trapper, defined as a person using more than twenty (20) traps. § 101.4 - Food; designation of ingredients. The State of Oklahoma hereby assents to the provisions of: 1. A true inventory of the equipment to be utilized in the operations of that fisherman; 2. U.S. Any monies withdrawn from said fund by the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission for investment pursuant to this subsection shall be deemed to be for the purposes specified in subsection B of this section. Laws 1974, c. 17, § 17601, emerg. April 8, 1974. A. All persons making application for any licenses required by this section shall produce a valid license to operate a motor vehicle or other positive proof of identification, age and residency, and any such license issued shall show such data as well as the date and time of issuance. The balance to be apportioned, onefourth (1/4) to the Department of Wildlife Conservation and threefourths (3/4) to the district court in which such proceedings were brought. §29-10-103. Employees of the State Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services Division and the United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services while engaged in wildlife management activities for the protection of agriculture, property, human health and safety and natural resources. §29-3-202. Nine Dollars and twenty-five cents ($9.25) for a senior citizen lifetime combination hunting and fishing license. Life, Accident and Health corporation or agency actively engaged in the abstract of title business in Oklahoma as defined and provided in Title 1 or by an attorney licensed to practice in the State of Oklahoma duly appointed as agent of a title insurance company, provided April 8, 1974; Laws 1991, c. 182, § 56, eff. §29-4-107. The Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission shall promulgate rules specifying the form, design, and manner of issuance of said wildlife habitat stamp. "Nongame birds" are all birds not game birds. Jan. 1, 1987. No person may capture or mutilate any living wildlife protected by law by removing the claws, teeth, hide, antlers, horns or any or all of such parts from the body. Permits issued under this section shall be restricted to dog owners, trainers and bona fide dog clubs. The State of Oklahoma, on relation of the district attorney, is hereby authorized to institute legal action against the owner or operator of any air, land or water conveyances, firearms or other items or equipment so used, if such owner or operator is found guilty of a second or subsequent violation of: 1. Nov. 1, 1996; Laws 1998, c. 212, § 1, eff. 1926.800(g)(3) Designated person. No person may shoot from or across a public road or highway or right-of-way thereof, or railroad right-of-way. Added by Laws 1994, c. 318, § 11, emerg. The person processing or offering the product for sale shall retain all necessary documents to evidence the state of origin of the wildlife product; and. B. April 8, 1974. Jan. 1, 1982; Laws 1982, c. 154, § 10, eff. D.  Persons exempt from the permit requirements of this section are: 1. Lands contained in the wilderness area. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1992, c. 149, § 13, emerg. §60-175.3. July 1, 1997; Laws 1998, c. 157, § 1, eff. §295212. Nonresidents sixty-four (64) years of age or older from states which do not require nonresident fishing licenses for persons sixty-four (64) years of age or older; 9. April 8, 1974. The collection and remittance procedures applicable to hunting license fees under this title shall apply to the Oklahoma Wildlife Land Stamp fees. July 1, 1983; Laws 1990, c. 193, § 1, emerg. §29-4-113. H.  Nothing in this section shall prevent a person from taking six (6) or less mussels per day of any size for noncommercial personal use. Minnow dealer's intrastate license  Exceptions. Abstracting (See 74, State Government)(5KB) Title 2. 7. Said conveyances may be used on private property for following dogs in the act of hunting with the landowner's or occupant's permission. Such purchase records along with the fee and an accurate report of all turtles exported from this state for each month shall be submitted to the Department by the fifteenth day of the following month. 2. eff. April 8, 1974; Laws 1975, c. 251, § 1, emerg. Title of code. Such permit shall state the method of control and specific procedures and conditions as may be deemed appropriate by the Director; 3. eff. The text of all Oklahoma statutes can be found on the Oklahoma State Courts Network website. eff. Sept. 1, 1991. Nov. 1, 2000; Laws 2003, c. 96, § 1, eff. §29-3-306. By arrows, gigs, ropes, grab hooks, spears, and spearguns used by divers equipped with selfcontained underwater breathing apparatus. Criminal acts are only those prescribed "This code" defined. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 178, § 5. We will need an Oklahoma address in order to obtain the title for you. Except as otherwise provided by law, no person may enter upon any state or federal wildlife refuge or Wildlife Management Area with dog, gun or bow. The Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission shall promulgate rules establishing criteria for accepting or using advertisements as authorized in this section. Liberation of propagated and other birds. B. B. §29-6-501. §29-4-113.1. A. A. §29-3-103. Hawks, falcons, owls and eagles which are bred in captivity in accordance with federal regulations may be sold, possessed, traded or bartered, by persons licensed as required under Section 4-107 of this title, and may be possessed, trained and used only by persons licensed under Section 4108 of this Code. Nov. 1, 1987; Laws 1991, c. 182, § 26, eff. eff. Chapter 1. Operators of such running pens may acquire coyotes from wild stock without having to possess a fur dealer's license for such purpose and no license shall be required of those involved in performance testing or training dogs in such running pens so long as no other wildlife are taken or hunted in any manner. Having a surety bond obtained by the dealer; 2. March 19, 1996; Laws 2001, c. 77, § 1, eff. 2. A. A. The trainees shall return their cards to their respective Job Corps Center when the trainees leave their respective Job Corps training programs; 13. eff. A. eff. §297701. §29-7-401a. E.  Nonresidents may purchase a lifetime nonresident fishing license. Reference to “proctor” was omitted as covered by the revised section. §29-5-411.2. If said person holds an Oklahoma hunting, fishing or trapping license at the time of conviction, such license shall be revoked. April 8, 1974; Laws 1991, c. 182, § 10, eff. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on … The portions of the Illinois River and its tributaries above the Horseshoe Bend Boat Ramp on Tenkiller Reservoir shall be open for the taking of nongame fish and white bass by gigging from December 1 through March 1 of each year. Nov. 1, 1987; Laws 1994, c. 318, § 18, emerg. Added by Laws 1974, c. 17, § 4-120, emerg. Sept. 1, 1993; Laws 1999, c. 45, § 1, emerg. NOTE:  Laws 2003, c. 94, § 2 repealed by Laws 2004, c. 376, § 2, emerg. Any person who is fishing with a pole and line, trotline, or throwline in streams, natural lakes, natural ponds, and mine pits when using any bait other than commercial or artificial bait, blood, stink bait, cut fish, and shrimp; and. 6. The fee for the stamp shall be distributed as follows: a. Twenty Dollars ($20.00) from each stamp shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Wildlife Land Fund, created in Section 4-141 of this title, to be used to retire the obligations and related expenses as authorized pursuant to Section 168.9 of Title 73 of the Oklahoma Statutes or to purchase, lease, or purchase easements on real property to be used as public hunting, fishing, and trapping areas; and. B. Liberation of propagated and other birds. Place or cause to be placed in the waters of; or. § 91(A)(3) = Title 42, Section 91, Subsection A, Paragraph 3 of the Oklahoma Statutes . §29-6-301a. - Exception of qualified domestic orders. May 2, 1995; Laws 1996, c. 167, § 3, eff. Repealed by Laws 1989, c. 154, § 2, operative July 1, 1989. 2) A Title 42 on average take 8-12 weeks. Disabled persons - Crossbow permits. Prohibition on buying, bartering, trading, selling, or offering or exposing for sale protected fish or wildlife - Exceptions - Penalties. April 8, 1974. C.  Any person convicted of violating the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Legal resident veterans having a disability of sixty percent (60%) or more; 5. "Vehicle mounted spotlight" is any light attached to a motor vehicle or water conveyance or of the type designed to be so attached. Upon competent evidence at a hearing, held for such purpose, that the obstacle was used and operated or intended for use in violation of this section, the court shall order said obstacle forfeited to the state. March 29, 2006. F.  1. Except as otherwise provided, no person may possess: 1. §29-7-502. All licenses and permits issued by the Director of Wildlife Conservation, the Department of Wildlife Conservation or by any of its agents shall be used only in conformity with the provisions of this title and the rules promulgated by the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission. eff. Repealed by Laws 1980, c. 68, § 1, emerg. Legal residents born on or before January 1, 1923; 4. eff. Except as otherwise required by this subsection, such funds shall be used for mussel enforcement, management and/or research. §297704. Computer-assisted remote control hunting. Jan. 1, 1976; Laws 1981, c. 195, § 7, eff. Under 16 O.S. All persons licensed as "Commercial Minnow Export Dealers" shall comply with Sections 6401 and 6501 of the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Code and with all resolutions of the Commission pertaining to the export of minnows from this state; and. The premium on such bonds shall be paid by the Department. If the dealer has not sold fifty original licenses, the penalty shall be the sales value of the most expensive license sold by the Department. Those persons exempt from subsection A of this section shall be: 1. The Commission shall meet on the first Monday in each month in regular session and in special sessions as may be called by the Chair or a majority of the Commission. B. eff. May 24, 1976; Laws 1981, c. 195, § 9, eff. The Commission shall operate under the provisions of the Oklahoma Administrative Procedures Act in adopting, amending or repealing any rule or regulation. April 8, 1974. July 1, 2010. - Exception of qualified domestic orders. 3. Added by Laws 1974, c. 17, § 4-119, emerg. §29-2-104.1. The State of Texas allows holders of the Oklahoma special Lake Texoma fishing license to fish the State of Texas portion of the lake without requiring them to purchase any other Texas fishing license. eff. July 1, 2003. Notice of seizure and intended forfeiture proceeding shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the district court for the county wherein any such item, equipment, vehicle or property, is seized and shall be given all owners and parties in interest. B. eff. F.  Any person convicted of violating any provision of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than Twentyfive Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). C.  The Department, upon reasonable notice, may audit dealers at any time during the fiscal year in accordance with the license dealer manual issued by the Department. Obtaining a title for a vehicle in the state of Oklahoma can be done by completing a short form and paying a small processing fee. Sept. 1, 1991. April 8, 1974. Size, character and wording of these signs are to be determined by the State Wildlife Conservation Commission. 5. 1999, c. 124, § 1, emerg. "Predator" is any mammal or bird which preys upon another mammal or bird for food. E.  Open seasons, closed seasons, bag limits, catch limits, possession limits and territorial limitations set forth in the statutes of this state, pertaining to wildlife of every sort, are hereby declared to be based on the existence of a normal population of such species of wildlife, compatible with and not damaging to the proper agricultural use of the lands of the state. "Person" is an individual, firm, corporation, association or partnership and includes agent, employee and principal. Hunting, fishing, hunting/fishing lifetime licenses. April 30, 1992. The following references are allowed in … No person may remove any propagated or released wildlife or domesticated animals hunted for sport which are killed at a commercial hunting area, without attaching a tag to each of such killed wildlife or domesticated animals hunted for sport. C.  The following persons shall be exempt from the Passport requirements of this section: 1. No person may cut down or remove a tree being used as a den by raccoons unless specific permission for such cutting or removal has been given by the owner or lessee of the land. Added by Laws 1986, c. 124, § 4, eff. §29-4-133. §29-6-401. C.  On any land acquired by the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Code, after the effective date of this act, the Commission shall annually make in lieu of tax payments equal to the average ad valorem tax per acre paid on similar land in that county. Any wildlife or parts thereof, nests of such wildlife, their eggs or their young; or. Removal and disposition of dead fish. Attorneys and State Bar (29KB) Title 6. B. A. July 1, 1998; Laws 2003, c. 160, § 12, eff. Any interest or dividends accruing from such investments shall be deposited in the Wildlife Diversity Fund. §29-2-148. Except as otherwise provided, no person may import, sell or possess for sale aigrettes, egret plumes and the feathers, quills, heads, wings, tails, skins or parts of skins of wild birds, either raw or manufactured, or any endangered or rare species. Persons age sixty-four (64) or older; and. All persons who possess a valid Oklahoma annual or combination resident fishing or hunting license, an annual nonresident fishing or hunting license, a lifetime resident or nonresident fishing, hunting, or combination license, a senior citizen fishing or hunting license, or a disability fishing or hunting license; 2. §29-9-105. Nonresidents under fourteen (14) years of age; 2. Jan. 1, 1989; Laws 1989, c. 353, § 4, emerg. Jan. 1, 1983; Laws 1986, c. 57, § 2, eff. Added by Laws 1996, c. 7, § 3, emerg. Persons exempt from provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of subsection A of this section are: 1. eff. Added by Laws 1991, c. 182, § 62, eff. July 1, 2003; Laws 2003, c. 287, § 4, eff. Special use permits to use private land leased and administered by the Department. Cooperative wildlife restoration projects. A. §297403. Return of motor vehicle license deposited in lieu of cash bail. All types of traps shall have an identification tag with the owner's name and license number attached and the name and license number of all persons authorized to operate the traps or nets; 3. M.  Whenever any item, equipment, vehicle or property is forfeited under this section and there is no innocent claimant thereof, the district court of jurisdiction may order that the item, equipment, vehicle or property seized may be retained by the Department of Wildlife Conservation for its official use. Added by Laws 1974, c. 17, § 5-411, emerg. eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2002, c. 174, § 1, emerg. (2) will aid in ascertaining whether a violation of the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Code or any rule or regulation promulgated thereto has been or is about to be committed. A. eff. A. A "nonresident" is any individual who is a resident of another state, or who has resided in Oklahoma less than sixty (60) days, whether or not he intends to make Oklahoma his home during that period. An Oklahoma car title is a document required by the state for all over-the-road motor vehicles. No person under sixteen (16) years of age may purchase a gun deer tag or hunt large game with any firearm without first obtaining a hunter safety certification. Provided: 1. A. The fee for a migratory bird permit under subsection A of this section shall be Two Dollars ($2.00) for residents and nonresidents. D.  Any person convicted of violating any of the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00). §29-10-105. Nov. 1, 1984; Laws 1991, c. 182, § 30, eff. B. May 23, 1997. There is hereby created in the State Treasury a revolving fund to be known as the Wildlife Conservation Fund, which shall consist of all monies heretofore or hereafter appropriated to, on deposit in, or credited to the State Game and Fish Fund created by Section 115, Title 29 of the Oklahoma Statutes, and, in addition thereto, all license fees, penalties, fines or forfeitures and bond forfeitures collected by the … F.  Such seasons, catch limits, bag limits, possession limits and territorial limitations as set by statute shall prevail and be in full force and effect for each and every species of wildlife to which they pertain so long as the population or numbers of such wildlife species remain normal or are not damaging or endangering crops or proper agricultural use of the lands of the state. Read the code on FindLaw §29-5-503. §29-6-502. §29-2-101. Hunting/fishing annual combination license. In no event, however, may that permission conflict with federal law. The provisions of this act shall not be construed to apply to circuses. §29-3-310. Laws 1975, c. 279, § 3, emerg. April 8, 1974. Its members also include title insurers, title companies, attorney’s and affiliated professionals. The Act of Congress which was approved September 2, 1937, and is found at 16 U.S.C. March 14, 1988; Laws 1991, c. 182, § 25, eff. §29-3-306.1. No person may transport or sell nongame fish outside the state without having first procured a commercial fishing license under Section 4103 of this Code, and without also having first procured from the Director a special permit for transporting or selling such fish. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 182, § 68, eff. District No. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1992, c. 149, § 11, emerg. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 182, § 68, eff. Added by Laws 1995, c. 199, § 1, emerg. The provisions of this Code, being necessary for the welfare of the state and its inhabitants, shall be liberally construed to effect the purpose and object hereof. Annual combination hunting licenses for nonresidents hunting one antlered and one antlerless deer, Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00); for nonresidents hunting an additional antlerless deer, Fifty Dollars ($50.00) which shall be valid only on private lands not managed by the Department of Wildlife Conservation. Repealed by Laws 2010, c. 317, § 13, eff. Laws 1994, c. 318, § 8 repealed by Laws 1995, c. 1, § 40, emerg. Powers and duties of the Director - Succession of interest. Private parks, preserves, clubs or resorts. 2. May 10, 2004. eff. C.  The minimum fee for this special Lake Texoma fishing license shall be Six Dollars and seventy-five cents ($6.75). Added by Laws 1974, c. 17, § 5-602, emerg. District No. C.  Any person convicted of violating any provision of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00), nor more than Twentyfive Dollars ($25.00). Bird day §25-88. § 698.2. All monies received from fines and forfeitures for violation of the Wildlife Conservation laws shall, when collected by the court clerk, be deposited by such clerk as follows: 1. eff. B. May 5, 1992. Title: Underground Construction. Added by Laws 1974, c. 17, § 4-202, emerg. All monies accruing to the fund shall be subject to the following budgetary limitations: B. A. eff. Except as otherwise provided for in this subsection, any person convicted of violating any of the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than Twentyfive Dollars ($25.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). Added by Laws 1974, c. 17, § 3-302, emerg. 7. §29-4-102. A. §29-3-103b. Will Rogers Day §25-87. April 8, 1974. Upon forfeiture, such items shall be sold at public auction and the proceeds from the sale shall be apportioned onefourth (1/4) to the Department of Wildlife Conservation and threefourths (3/4) to the district court in which such proceeding was brought. Except as otherwise provided, no person may take, kill or capture more than fifteen (15) bullfrogs in any one day during open season as declared by the Commission; nor may any person sell bullfrogs or ship them out of the state at any time. June 18, 1985. B. D.  Any person who buys or exports aquatic turtles from this state shall pay the Department as a severance fee an amount equal to three percent (3%) of the dollar value of turtles purchased or received from licensed commercial turtle harvesters. No person may take, kill, or catch or attempt to take, kill, or catch any nongame fish from the waters of this state or assist in any such endeavor in any manner except as follows: 1. eff. Mounted specimens of deer and turkey - Seizure of items, equipment, vehicles or other property. Added by Laws 1974, c. 17, § 4-114, emerg. "Resident" is any individual who has resided in Oklahoma for a period of not less than sixty (60) days and has the intention of making Oklahoma his home during this period. Department employees when in the performance of their duties; and. Waterfowl hunting stamp - Fee - Duration - Violations - Exemptions. Any monies withdrawn from said fund by the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission for investment pursuant to this section shall be deemed to be for the purpose of preserving, protecting, perpetuating and enhancing nongame wildlife in this state. Laws 1991, c. 182, § 38, eff. B. F.  1. Seizure and forfeiture of certain items, equipment, vehicles and property relating to hunting and fishing violations. B. A. F.  Any person convicted of violating the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Place or cause to be placed in such waters or ponds any substances or things injurious to the health or safety of fish confined therein; 3. court opinions. Except as otherwise provided, no person may hunt, kill, capture or otherwise take or destroy any furbearer, except from December 1 to January 31, both dates inclusive. April 13, 2012. §29-4-127. The Wildlife Conservation Commission shall constitute an advisory, administrative and policymaking board for the protection, restoration, perpetuation, conservation, supervision, maintenance, enhancement, and management of wildlife in this state as provided in the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Code except for the importation of exotic livestock into the State of Oklahoma pursuant to the provisions of this section. Amended by Laws 1988, c. 208, § 1, eff. Job Corps trainees of this state, provided that such trainees shall have on their persons a duly authorized identification card issued by their respective Job Corps Center and shall present such card upon request, in lieu of a fishing license. Sept. 1, 1991. No person may ship or transport minnows for sale into or out of this state without having first procured a license for such from the Director. Laws 1991, c. 182, § 3, eff. eff. Repealed by Laws 2002, c. 295, § 8, eff. 2. Nonresidents under sixteen (16) years of age from states which do not require nonresident fishing licenses for persons under sixteen (16) years of age; 8. The fee for a substitute license purchased pursuant to the provisions of this subsection shall be: a. for legal residents, Fifty Dollars ($50.00), and. Prohibition on permanent structures. Controlled hunt application fee. eff. Oklahoma's twenty-ninth state senate district is represented by Republican Senator Julie Daniels.. As of the 2010 census, a total of 74,057 civilians reside within Oklahoma's twenty-ninth state senate district. 3. Any native bear or native cat that will grow to reach the weight of fifty (50) pounds or more. Permit - Management of depredating animals by use of aircraft - Violations. eff. April 8, 1974. Prohibited means of taking game or nongame fish - Trotline, throwline, limbline, or jugline. April 8, 1974; Laws 1991, c. 182, § 36, eff. April 26, 1999. Laws 1974, c. 17, § 2119, emerg. This subsection shall not be subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), 29 U.S.C.A., Section 1001 et seq., as amended from time to time, or rules promulgated thereunder, and court cases interpreting said act. eff. The fees for the license shall be as follows: 1. §29-4-103B. No person, including but not limited to persons licensed for commercial hunting or wildlife breeders, may hunt, chase, capture, shoot, shoot at, wound, attempt to take or take, attempt to kill or kill, or slaughter an antelope, moose, whitetail or mule deer, bear, elk, mountain lion, rocky mountain bighorn sheep, wild turkey, or any subspecies except in open season under Section 5401 of this title. All licensees shall send to the Department a true monthly and annual summary of all fish captured and captured and returned to the waters of the state. Written permission permits required by this section shall cover a period not exceeding six (6) months; provided, however, that said permits shall be subject to renewal for a like period of time. Prohibition of commercial operations. 9. Added by Laws 1974, c. 17, § 4-201, emerg. After one (1) year and payment of the appropriate reinstatement fee as provided for in subsection A of this section, the lifetime license of the person shall be reinstated. eff. 2. March 29, 2006. For nonresidents, Three Hundred Forty-five Dollars ($345.00). 2. Sept. 1, 1991. Buy Oklahoma Statutes Title 29 Game and Fish 2019 by Lee, Jason, Government, Oklahoma online on at best prices. April 8, 1974. Permits to control nuisance or damage by wildlife. Any nonresident under fourteen (14) years of age; 8. April 30, 1992. April 8, 1974. Upon each owner or party in interest whose name and address is known, by mailing a copy of the notice by registered mail to the lastknown address; or. TITLE 365. Laws 1991, c. 182, § 60, eff. 4. Nov. 1, 2000. At no time shall any quail or covey be shot while resting on the ground, commonly called "pot shooting.". Amended by Laws 1978, c. 202, § 1, eff. Except as otherwise provided, no person may ship into or out of, transport into or out of, have in possession with the intent to so transport, or cause to be removed from this state raw unprocessed or processed paddlefish eggs. G.  The Commission in session, and after having given ten (10) days' public notice of such meeting being called and the purpose of such meeting, the species of wildlife to be considered and the reasons therefor, shall have the right to determine if there does or does not exist a normal population of the wildlife species under consideration, which does or does not endanger the crops of the state or of any certain areas, or the agricultural use of the lands therein. "Ambulance" means any vehicle designed, constructed and routinely used or intended to be used for the transportation of ill or injured persons and licensed by Maine Emergency Medical Services pursuant to Title 32, chapter 2‑B. §29-10-104. Any person hunting, pursuing, trapping, harassing, catching, killing, taking, or attempting to take in any manner any species of rattlesnake during an organized rattlesnake hunting event or festival and who has a rattlesnake permit issued pursuant to Section 5 of this act.
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