[86], In the Antarctic, killer whales range up to the edge of the pack ice and are believed to venture into the denser pack ice, finding open leads much like beluga whales in the Arctic. The attack ended when the calf's mother struck and injured the attacking male. However, his case was marked by controversy about whether and how to intervene, and in 2006, Luna was killed by a boat propeller. Resident (fish-eating) killer whales: The curved dorsal fins are typical of resident females. [91] On average, a killer whale eats 227 kilograms (500 lb) each day. [92] Japan's Fisheries Agency estimated in the 2000s that 2,321 killer whales were in the seas around Japan. They have been sighted, though more infrequently, in the Mediterranean, the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, Banderas Bay on Mexico's west coast and the Caribbean. Then the whales split into two groups. When food is scarce, killer whales metabolize blubber for energy, which increases pollutant concentrations in their blood. [138] Resident killer whales swim alongside porpoises and other dolphins. [60], Infanticide, once thought to occur only in captive killer whales, was observed in wild populations by researchers off British Columbia on December 2, 2016. Granny's Struggle: When Granny is gone, will her story be the last chapter? The Haida regarded killer whales as the most powerful animals in the ocean, and their mythology tells of killer whales living in houses and towns under the sea. [188] Killer whales are popular with whale watchers, which may stress the whales and alter their behaviour, particularly if boats approach too closely or block their lines of travel. They have been documented 100 mi (160 km) up the Columbia River in the United States. The mean body temperature of the orca is 36 to 38 °C (97 to 100 °F). 7:15. [167] One male, known as Old Tom, was reportedly spotted every winter between the 1840s and 1930 off New South Wales, Australia, which would have made him up to 90 years old. Chap Mei Orca Killer Whale Open Jaw Toy Action Figure 11" $4.99 + $8.90 shipping. [227] Some populations, such as in Alaska's Prince William Sound, may have been reduced significantly by whalers shooting them in retaliation. ", "Causes and consequences of marine mammal population declines in southwest Alaska: a food-web perspective", BBC Nature – Killer whales make waves to hunt seals, "Whale uses fish as bait to catch seagulls then shares strategy with fellow orcas", "Videos show killer whales frantically hunting for dolphins off San Clemente", "The structure of the discrete call repertoire of killer whales, "Vocal behaviour of resident killer whale matrilines with newborn calves: The role of family signatures", "The relationship between the acoustic behaviour and surface activity of killer whales (, "The smallest killer whale has a large musical repertoire", "Big and brilliant: complex whale behavior tied to brain size", Whale Attack Renews Captive Animal Debate, Scientist Has 'Snowball Fight' With a Killer Whale, "Cetaceans Have Complex Brains for Complex Cognition", "Orcas don't do well in captivity. The false killer whale is scientifically known as Pseudorca crassidens, which means “thick tooth.” The false killer whale is a large member of the oceanic dolphin family. He played "Shamu" in JAWS 3-D in 1983. "The largest living [animal] using its teeth for catching its prey and tearing pieces off it is the killer whale," he says. A cosmopolitan species, they can be found in each of the world's oceans in a variety of marine environments, from Arctic and Antarctic regions to tropical seas, absent only from the Baltic and Black seas, and some areas of the Arctic Ocean. [73] Areas which serve as major study sites for the species include the coasts of Iceland, Norway, the Valdes Peninsula of Argentina, the Crozet Islands, New Zealand and parts of the west coast of North America, from California to Alaska. [220], The earlier of known records of commercial hunting of killer whales date to the 18th century in Japan. orcae) for these animals, possibly borrowing Ancient Greek ὄρυξ (óryx), which referred (among other things) to a whale species. Christensen, I. [3] In January 2020, the first killer whale in England and Wales since 2001 was found dead with a large fragment of plastic in its stomach.[178]. Three years prior to Balcomb's discovery, research in the Bahamas showed 14 beaked whales washed up on the shore. Killer whales off the coast of Spain are living up to their name, but instead of targeting great white sharks, pods of fish or seals as they have done in the past — they’re now after people and boats. Sea World killer whale Tillikum broke trainer Dawn Brancheau's jaw and vertebra, and dislocated an arm and a leg while thrashing her around, an autopsy has concluded. [84][85] Killer whales also appear to regularly occur off the Galápagos Islands. Killer whales in the Eastern Tropical Pacific tend to have barnacles (Xenobalanus spp.) [47] More recently, complete mitochondrial sequencing indicates the two Antarctic groups that eat seals and fish should be recognized as distinct species, as should the North Pacific transients, leaving the others as subspecies pending additional data. They produce three categories of sounds: clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls. The use of both call types is called biphonation. In captivity, they often develop pathologies, such as the dorsal fin collapse seen in 60–90% of captive males. UBC Press, Vancouver. [135], Killer whales in many areas may prey on cormorants and gulls. [64][65] In February 2008, a white killer whale was photographed 3.2 km (2.0 mi) off Kanaga Volcano in the Aleutian Islands. In contrast, a human makes sound by forcing air through the larynx. This incident lead to further research on the subject, finally convincing marine biologists that the Killer Whale … People who have interacted closely with killer whales offer numerous anecdotes demonstrating the whales' curiosity, playfulness, and ability to solve problems. For other uses, see, Size compared to a 1.80-metre (5 ft 11 in) human, Differences of dorsal fins between males (front) and females (background), A killer whale leaps out of the water when swimming—a behaviour known as porpoising, in. According to observations in several regions, all male and female pod members participate in the care of the young. [90], Worldwide population estimates are uncertain, but recent consensus suggests a minimum of 50,000 (2006). This washes the prey into the water, where other killer whales lie in wait. https://jaws.fandom.com/wiki/Orca_(Killer_whale)?oldid=11926. The killer whale is primarily distinguished from the rest of the whales through its characteristic colors, black and white and it is actually the largest member of the dolphin family. [63], Occasionally a killer whale is white; they have been spotted in the northern Bering Sea and around St. Lawrence Island, and near the Russian coast. [182] In October 2008, the annual survey revealed seven were missing and presumed dead, reducing the count to 83. [148], Dialects also distinguish types. http://consolecreatures.com/ Jaws Unleashed - JAWS VS KILLER WHALE follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/ConsoleCreature [203] The southern resident community alone had lost 48 of its members to captivity; by 1976, only 80 remained. Some populations in the Norwegian and Greenland sea specialize in herring and follow that fish's autumnal migration to the Norwegian coast. Follow. The vocal cords in the larynx vibrate as air flows across them, producing sounds. Following the success of the 1993 film Free Willy, the movie's captive star Keiko was returned to the coast of his native Iceland in 2002. Killer whales have a diverse diet, although individual populations often specialize in particular types of prey. Bremer Bay Killer Whales Western Australia's Killer Whales are unique to Australian waters in such a confined area for certain parts of the year. "[184] The impact of sonar waves on killer whales is potentially life-threatening. [232] However, in the wild, females who survive infancy live 46 years on average, and up to 70–80 years in rare cases. In the waters of the Pacific Northwest and Iceland, the shooting of killer whales was accepted and even encouraged by governments. However, killer whales are merely seasonal visitors to Arctic waters, and do not approach the pack ice in the summer. The jaw of the baleen whale ancestor, Janjucetus hunderi, is much stiffer than that of modern baleen whales. Killer whales are apex predators, meaning that they themselves have no natural predators. In the 1970s, research pioneered by Michael Bigg led to the discovery of the species' complex social structure, its use of vocal communication, and its extraordinarily stable mother–offspring bonds. She became the first whale to be successfully reintegrated into a wild pod after human intervention, crystallizing decades of research into the vocal behaviour and social structure of the region's killer whales. [124] The decline of sea otters followed a decline in harbour seal and Steller sea lion populations, the killer whale's preferred prey,[a][126] which in turn may be substitutes for their original prey, now decimated by industrial whaling. Killer Whale vs. Each summer, the same individuals appear off the coasts of British Columbia and Washington. Females can often breed until age 40, followed by a rapid decrease in fertility. [66][67], Killer whales have good eyesight above and below the water, excellent hearing, and a good sense of touch. [214], Between 1964 and 1976, 50 killer whales from the Pacific Northwest were captured for display in aquaria, and public interest in the animals grew. Clans within a community do not share vocal patterns. A researcher described what happened next: It worked really well for a while. [88][89] They have also been found in the Fraser River in Canada and the Horikawa River in Japan. Teeth and Jaws: Killer whales have 45 teeth. "Orphaned orca's reunion with family celebrated", "Stranding Base (1901-2012) for Hyogo Prefecture", "Stranding Date Base (1901-2012) for Chiba Prefecture", "Report of the Second Workshop on The Biology and Conservation of Small Cetaceans and Dugongs of South-East Asia", "Killer whales and whaling: the scavenging hypothesis", "Boats to Maintain Greater Distance from Killer Whales | Whales online", "Killer Controversy: Why Orcas Should No Longer Be Kept in Captivity", "The Performing Orcas - why the show must stop", "SeaWorld trainer killed by killer whale", "Tilikum the SeaWorld orca's cause of death revealed - National | Globalnews.ca", "SeaWorld to End Controversial Orca Shows and Breeding", "Even years after Blackfish, SeaWorld still has Orcas", "Selective foraging by fish-eating killer whales, "Conservation Plan for Southern Resident Killer Whales (, Voices in the Sea - Sounds of the Orca (Killer Whale), Orcas Preying On Dolphins (Caught On Drone), Watch: Killer Whales Charge Blue Whale (Rare Drone Footage), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Killer_whale&oldid=1006859387, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in Canadian English, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Taxonbars with automatically added original combinations, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 15 February 2021, at 05:21. Benitabruns. [76], Information for offshore regions and warmer waters is more scarce, but widespread sightings indicate that the killer whale can survive in most water temperatures. Jaws Plush Adventures, Orca the Killer Whale defends seal from Jaws Great White Shark, PTCA #56. Although there are examples of killer whales living longer, including several over 30 years old, and two captive orcas (Corky II and Lolita) are in their mid-40s. These activities may have a variety of purposes, such as courtship, communication, dislodging parasites, or play. Some males become "rovers" and do not form long-term associations, occasionally joining groups that contain reproductive females. [80][81] Distinct populations may also exist off the west coast of tropical Africa,[82] and Papua New Guinea. [11] The genus name Orcinus means "of the kingdom of the dead",[12] or "belonging to Orcus". Killer whales feature strongly in the mythologies of indigenous cultures, and their reputation in different cultures ranges from being the souls of humans to merciless killers. [184] "Balcomb confirmed at the time that strange underwater pinging noises detected with underwater microphones were sonar. [175] One male known to researchers in the Pacific Northwest (identified as J1) was estimated to have been 59 years old when he died in 2010. Females are smaller, generally ranging from 5 to 7 m (16 to 23 ft) and weighing about 3 to 4 tonnes (3.0 to 3.9 long tons; 3.3 to 4.4 short tons). [14], They are sometimes referred to as "blackfish", a name also used for other whale species. [182], The public's growing appreciation also led to growing opposition to whale–keeping in aquarium. [113] The arrival of orcas in an area can cause white sharks to flee and forage elsewhere. [91][3][30] Local estimates include roughly 25,000 in the Antarctic, 8,500 in the tropical Pacific, 2,250–2,700 off the cooler northeast Pacific and 500–1,500 off Norway. Population structure and genetic variability in northeastern Pacific killer whales: Towards an assessment of population viability. [215], Bigg's techniques also revealed the Pacific Northwest population was in the low hundreds rather than the thousands that had been previously assumed. [34][117][118][119] Predation by orcas on whale calves in high-productivity, high-latitude areas may account for great whale migrations during breeding season to low-productivity tropical waters where orcas are scarcer. Chap Mei Orca Killer Whale Jaw Chomp Toy 11" Action Figure Ocean Animal Creature. These animals are so dangerous that they would never challenge each other…or so we thought. They were so thrilled when they figured out what was going on, that we were playing games. In 1997, the first known killer whale attack on great white sharks was documented off the coast of San Francisco. [143] Once the stocks of larger species were depleted, killer whales were targeted by commercial whalers in the mid-20th century. Age of reputedly old Killer Whale. [60], Killer whale pectoral fins, analogous to forelimbs, are large and rounded, resembling paddles, with those of males significantly larger than those of females. [121] Rarely, large killer whale pods can overwhelm even adult female sperm whales. [74], Systematic surveys indicate the highest densities of killer whales (>0.40 individuals per 100 km2) in the northeast Atlantic around the Norwegian coast, in the north Pacific along the Aleutian Islands, the Gulf of Alaska and in the Southern Ocean off much of the coast of Antarctica. [150] Dialects are probably an important means of maintaining group identity and cohesiveness. [166][170][171], Males mate with females from other pods, which prevents inbreeding. It wouldn't have been able to filter feed the way blue and humpback whales do. They are sometimes called the wolves of the sea, because they hunt in groups like wolf packs. [228] This population is followed by approximately 20 vessels for 12 hours a day during the months May–September. 1984. Killer whales also avoided the surrounding waters. Males typically range from 6 to 8 metres (20 to 26 ft) long and weigh in excess of 6 tonnes (5.9 long tons; 6.6 short tons). Adult bull sperm whales, which are large, powerful and aggressive when threatened, and fully grown adult blue whales, which are possibly too large to overwhelm, are not believed to be prey for killer whales. 1440x900 Download Orca The Killer Whale Smscs Wallpaper 1440x900 | Full HD ... Download. Transient Killer Whales – Culprits in the Decline of Sea Otters in Western Alaska? Despite this, Dr. Elkins states that only another Killer Whale or a Great White Shark could have killed the 7.5 meter Orca, and only then, a Great White of considerable size. [49][132][133], Killer whales have also been observed preying on terrestrial mammals, such as deer swimming between islands off the northwest coast of North America. Killer whales generally attack young or weak animals. The Whale That Ate Jaws The great white shark and the killer whale are the most formidable predators in the sea. Individuals separate for only a few hours at a time, to mate or forage. A small group of orcas are believed to be responsible, with three juveniles which have been named black Gladis, white Gladis and grey Gladis, identified as present in most attacks. Of three orca ecotypes in the Antarctic, one preys on minke whales, the second on seals and penguins, and the third on fish. [195][196], In the tales and beliefs of the Siberian Yupik people, killer whales are said to appear as wolves in winter, and wolves as killer whales in summer. [183] This is potentially the largest decline in the population in the past 10 years. Ford J.K.B. [187] High-intensity sonar used by the Navy disturbs killer whales along with other marine mammals. They have been known to attack baleen whale calves, and even adult whales. In 1987, Kanduke, a male killer whale bought by SeaWorld from Marineland of Canada, arrived in Orlando. [201][200], Indigenous Ainu tribe often referred killer whales in their folklore and myth as Repun Kamuy (God of Sea/Offshore) to bring fortunes (whales) to the coasts, and there had been traditional funerals for stranded or deceased orcas akin to funerals for other animals such as brown bears. [229] Researchers have successfully identified this gene in skin biopsies of live whales and also the lungs of deceased whales. Although toothed whales have teeth, they don't chew their food—they use their teeth for capturing and tearing food. All members of a resident pod use similar calls, known collectively as a dialect. Jaws. Adult killer whales are very distinctive, seldom confused with any other sea creature. [99][100], Fish-eating killer whales prey on around 30 species of fish. [57][58] The skeleton of the killer whale is of the typical delphinid structure, but more robust. Shark and small fishes in ocean Shark and small fishes in ocean - nature background killer whale teeth stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images . Killer Whale vs. [44], Mammal-eating killer whales in different regions were long thought likely to be closely related, but genetic testing has refuted this hypothesis. ", "Death of Sea World trainer: Do 'killer whales' belong in theme parks?". Published directories contain identifying photographs and names for hundreds of North Pacific animals. However, a small year-round population is known to exist in the Strait of Gibraltar, mostly on the Atlantic side. [125] Killer whale cannibalism has also been reported based on analysis of stomach contents, but this is likely to be the result of scavenging remains dumped by whalers. The nostrils are located on top of the head above the eyes so that the rest of the body can remain submerged while surfacing for air. Nowadays, only some populations of the killer whale hunt baleen whales. In this incident, an adult male killed the calf of a female within the same pod, with the adult male's mother also joining in the assault. [16], Whale watching continues to increase in popularity, but may have some problematic impacts on killer whales. Males typically maintain stronger relationships with their mothers than other females. The first split in the orca population, between the North Pacific transients and the rest, occurred an estimated 700,000 years ago. "Thermoregulation in Beluga (. [54], The killer whale's teeth are very strong, and its jaws exert a powerful grip; the upper teeth fall into the gaps between the lower teeth when the mouth is closed. This population is expected to die out. He studied killer whales from the Center for Whale Research, located in Friday Harbor, Washington. Report. They are sometimes called the wolves of the sea, because they hunt in groups like wolf packs. [144] As in resident clans, transient community members share an acoustic repertoire, although regional differences in vocalizations have been noted. The Portuguese coastguard banned small sailing vessels from a region where several incidents had been reported. However, the devastation of great whale populations by unfettered whaling has possibly reduced their availability for killer whales, and caused them to expand their consumption of smaller marine mammals, thus contributing to the decline of these as well. The spill damaged salmon and other prey populations, which in turn damaged local killer whales. In response to this decision, six environmental groups sued the federal government, claiming killer whales were facing many threats on the British Columbia Coast and the federal government did nothing to protect them from these threats. [229] With so many vessels, the air quality around these whales deteriorates and impacts their health. [53] When seen from a distance, juveniles can be confused with other cetacean species, such as the false killer whale or Risso's dolphin. [50], There are seven identified ecotypes inhabiting isolated ecological niches. [104][105] With sharks, orcas may herd them to the surface and strike them with their tail flukes,[104] while bottom-dwelling rays are cornered, pinned to the ground and taken to the surface. [210] The U.S. Navy claimed to have deliberately killed hundreds of killer whales in Icelandic waters in 1956 with machine guns, rockets, and depth charges. Some local populations are considered threatened or endangered due to prey depletion, habitat loss, pollution (by PCBs), capture for marine mammal parks, and conflicts with human fisheries. Spyhopping is a behaviour in which a whale holds its head above water to view its surroundings. These bonds can extend well into adulthood. [62] In the skull, adult males have longer lower jaws than females, as well as larger occipital crests. Their nostril(s) make up the blowhole, with one in toothed whales and two in baleen whales. 2001. This may involve throwing it in the air, slapping it with their tails, ramming it, or breaching and landing on it. Alaskan killer whales have not only learned how to steal fish from longlines, but have also overcome a variety of techniques designed to stop them, such as the use of unbaited lines as decoys. Some feed exclusively on fish, while others hunt marine mammals such as seals and other species of dolphin. [155] They can be trained in captivity and are often described as intelligent,[156][157] although defining and measuring "intelligence" is difficult in a species whose environment and behavioural strategies are very different from those of humans. [120], Other marine mammal prey species include nearly 20 species of seal, sea lion and fur seal. Opens image gallery . (2005). [234] Wild killer whales may travel up to 160 kilometres (100 mi) in a day, and critics say the animals are too big and intelligent to be suitable for captivity. [136] A captive killer whale at Marineland of Canada discovered it could regurgitate fish onto the surface, attracting sea gulls, and then eat the birds. A direct correlation between activation of this gene and the air pollutants can not be made because there are other known factors that will induce the same gene. [17], Types B and C live close to the ice pack, and diatoms in these waters may be responsible for the yellowish colouring of both types. Examination of his teeth indicated he died around age 35,[174] but this method of age determination is now believed to be inaccurate for older animals. [17][46] Mitochondrial DNA sequences support the theory that these are recently diverged separate species. A modelling study determined that the lowest-observed-adverse-effect-level (LOAEL) of exhaust pollutants was about 12% of the human dose. [13] In recent years, the extent of the public's interest in killer whales has manifested itself in several high-profile efforts surrounding individuals. Picture Information. [157], Killer whales imitate others, and seem to deliberately teach skills to their kin. [142] The final association layer, perhaps more arbitrarily defined than the familial groupings, is called the community, and is defined as a set of clans that regularly commingle. [72] They are considered "common" (0.20–0.40 individuals per 100 km2) in the eastern Pacific along the coasts of British Columbia, Washington and Oregon, in the North Atlantic Ocean around Iceland and the Faroe Islands. Ellis. Live captures fell dramatically in the 1990s, and by 1999, about 40% of the 48 animals on display in the world were captive-born. As stated earlier the killer whale is the largest animal within the dolphin family.At full maturity the male killer whale will usually grow to an average length of 20 – 26 ft. long and weigh an average of 8,000 lbs. Residents are silent only when resting. However, whales in tropical areas appear to have more generalized diets due to lower food productivity. Leatherwood, Stephen and Larry J. Hobbs (1988). These figures exclude animals that died during capture. When Chief Martin Brody and marine biologist Dr. Lureen Elkins come to examine it, the huge bite marks on the dead Orca suggests that it got in a fight with another animal. She has been in captivity longer than any other killer whale. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, Ottawa, Canada. [114], Killer whales are sophisticated and effective predators of marine mammals. Killer Whales Destroyed: VP-7 Accomplishes Special Task, International Union for Conservation of Nature, captive orcas killing or injuring their handlers, west coast of Canada and the United States, Prior to the advent of industrial whaling, indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast, "Orcas: How Science Debunked Superstition", Whales, dolphins, and porpoises of the eastern North Pacific and adjacent Arctic waters: a guide to their identification, "The vocal behaviour of mammal-eating killer whales: Communicating with costly calls", "Transient label is pushed aside to honour renowned whale researcher", "Eastern temperate North Pacific offshore killer whales (, "A review of killer whale interactions with other marine mammals: predation to co-existence", Two killer whale types found in UK waters, "Ecological, morphological and genetic divergence of sympatric North Atlantic killer whale populations", "Geographic Variation in the Color Pattern of Killer Whales (, "First video footage of rare 'Type D' orcas", "Mysterious orcas filmed underwater for first time", "Sea Shepherd documents rare 'Type D' orcas", "Observations of a distinctive morphotype of killer whale (, "The Antarctic Sun: News about Antarctica – Killer News", Newsletter of the Puget Sound Chapter of the American Cetacean Society, "Mitochondrial sequence divergence among Antarctic killer whale ecotypes is consistent with multiple species", "Complete mitochondrial genome phylogeographic analysis of killer whales (, "Cracking Orca's Code: It Comes in Several Types", "Killer Whales: Physical Characteristics", Rare White Killer Whale Spotted in Alaskan Waters From NOAA Ship Oscar Dyson, Rare white killer whale spotted in Alaska, "Russian scientists seeking white whale -- really", "White killer whale adult spotted for first time in wild", "Killer Whales — Adaptations for an Aquatic Environment", "Worldwide distribution and abundance of killer whales", "A first ID match for the orcas of the Indian Ocean", "Summary review of cetaceans of the Red Sea", "Records of Small Cetaceans in Chinese Waters: A Review", "Killer whales in Hawaiian waters: information on population identity and feeding habits", The Status and Distribution of Cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea, Canada Finds Killer Whales Drawn to Warmer Arctic, Southern Resident Killer Whale Research – October 2003, "The diving behaviour of mammal-eating killer whales : variations with ecological not physiological factors", "Movements and dive behaviour of a toothfish-depredating killer and sperm whale", "Rare footage shows Killer Whales 'sharing' shark in Monterey Bay", "VIDEO: Killer whales hunt tiger shark near Costa Rica's Cocos Island", "Great white shark 'slammed' and killed by a pod of killer whales in South Australia", "Killer whales have been killing great white sharks in Cape waters", "Incredible Footage Reveals Orcas Chasing Off The Ocean's Most Terrifying Predator", "Predator–prey and competitive interactions between sharks (order Selachii) and dolphins (suborder Odontoceti): a review", "Killer whales redistribute white shark foraging pressure on seals", "Clues point to climate change as a culprit in gray whale deaths", "First Record of Predation on False Killer Whales (, "Fight or flight: antipredator strategies of baleen whales", "Killer Whale Predation on Sperm Whales: Observations and Implications". [142] Because females can reach age 90, as many as four generations travel together. The World Health Organization has set air quality standards in an effort to control the emissions produced by these vessels. Two dwarf species, named Orcinus nanus and Orcinus glacialis, were described during the 1980s by Soviet researchers, but most cetacean researchers are sceptical about their status, and linking these directly to the types described below is difficult.
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