Florence Kelley (1859-1932) was the daughter of a U.S. congressman. Florence Kelley delivered a speech to the National American Woman Suffrage Association regarding the argument that child labor should be stopped. In Florence Kelley’s speech she discusses the pain of child labor. Florence Kelley Rhetorical Analysis Florence Kelley, when speaking to the National Americans Women's Suffrage Association, spoke to persuade her audience of the importance of child labor law reform. The prompt directed students to “analyze the rhetorical strategies Kelley uses to convey her message about child labor to her audience.” Read the speech carefully. With thousands of children working in the United States, social worker Florence Kelley decided something needed to be done about it. The audience that this speech is targeted towards is women. Florence Kelley is considered one of the great contributors to the social rights of workers, particularly women and children. Florence Kelley was a United States social worker and reformer who throughout her lifetime fought for child labor laws and also helped to improve conditions for working women. Context: Because of the harsh conditions children had to go through, Kelley says her speech to the National American Women's Suffrage Association in Philadelphia of July 22, 1905. Instead of being run over by a horse and buggy, parents worry about children 's self-esteem. Subject. Pleading; passionate; bewildered; accusatory. Children had it tough in 1905, Kelly illustrated this by using very powerful images. Florence Kelley During the National American Suffrage Association in Philadelphia on 1905, Florence Kelley uses several rhetorical devices to convey her message concerning child labor … “Tonight while we sleep, several thousand little girls will be working in textile mills, all night through, in the deafening noise of spindles and the looms spinning and weaving cotton and wool, silks and ribbons for us to buy”. The prompt directed students to “analyze the rhetorical strategies Kelley uses to convey her message about child labor to her audience.” JFK Inaugural Speech Pages: 3 (540 words) Florence Kelley's Speech on Child Labor: Rhetorical Devices Used Pages: 2 (408 words) Examples of Bias, Fallacies, and Specific Rhetorical Devices in the Speech Pages: 2 (492 words) Martin Luther King Rhetorical Devices Pages: 4 (801 words) Only women, they argued, would care enough to pass laws against child labor, to fight for equal wages for women workers, or to ban the sale of alcohol. Florence Kelley Rhetorical Analysis Florence Kelley (1859-1932) was a United States social worker and reformer who fought successfully for child labor laws and improved conditions for working women. As the children were helpless, poets such as Elizabeth Barrett-Browning could be analytical their inspections in order to defend, Florence Kelley Child Labor Rhetorical Analysis. Social Diagnosis may also be read through the Internet Archive.. For more information: The Mary E. Richmond Archives of the Columbia University School of Social Work.. From Charity to Social Work: Mary E. Richmond and the Creation of an American Profession, … FLORENCE KELLY ON CHILD LABOR | WELL KNOWN NEW YORK WOMAN SPEAKS HERE..... ----- TELLS OF ITS EViLS This State Has Best Laws in the Union What Laxity in the South Leads To. Florence Kelly, who was engaged though the hardships of child labor, presented an assertive and powerful speech to the National American Woman Suffrage Association to preach her own thought and knowledge and to convey her message to “free the children from toil! Speaks Out on Child Labor and Woman Suffrage. ...In America, there used to be unfair laws and regulations regarding labor. Introduction: Florence Kelley was a social reformer and political activist who defended the rights of working women and children. Both "Cinderella and Princess Culture" by Peggy Orenstein and "The Princess Paradox" by James Poniewozik discuss parents ' concern for daughters ' infatuation with princess culture and the implications of princess culture for modern feminism; Poniewozik focuses on the steps modern movies take to promote ideals of women being feminine and strong, while Orenstein discusses older, The speech was delivered as a political movement and it specifically addressed the women of that time period. Kelley uses parallelism, tone, and emotional appeal to support her position against child labor. She uses parallel sentence structure, diction, and tone in order to get her shared idea of child labor. Florence Kelley. Discover great essay examples and research papers for your assignments. Kelley uses a variety of rhetorical strategies, in her speech, to help men and women become aware of the issue on child labor. Children may not have realized that they have helped us alot. BeeCareful-BeeSustainable-BeeResponsible-BeeCool-BeeWare. Child Labor Analysis Then Kelley, an advocate for reforming child labor laws and extending voting ri ghts to women, to the National American Woman Suffrage Association convention in 1905. (1859 – 1932) ...In her speech to the National American Women Suffrage Association in 1905, Florence Kelly encourages women to fight against child labor by illustra... ...Florence Kelley 2013. Kelley, an advocate for reforming child labor laws and extending voting ri ghts to women, to the National American Woman Suffrage Association convention in 1905. Was to cut out child labor/make laws to stop it Better working conditions for working women. Many of these children are from very poor families and work to pay for their family and/or their ed... ...Child labor in the industrial revolution still affects children today for many reasons. Read the speech carefully. Then by FlorenceKelley. StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes. She adopts a passionate tone in order to demonstrate the severe conditions of child labor. No kids back then had education, so because of that a child’s education is very important today. Florence Kelley gave a speech at the National American Woman Suffrage Association in Philadelphia on July 22, 1905. Girls and Boys both have fears but yet the girls are the ones who are most likely to be approached with the question : weren 't you scared? As a lifelong supporter of these reforms, Kelley demonstrates her own investment in the issue while tying in the role of women's suffrage, as this will persuade her audience more than anything. She delivered the following speech before the convention of the National American Women Suffrage Association in Philadelphia on July 22, 1905. 11, 2013. The image of dead Alice is a considerable turn in the lessons of the poem as because her courage shall always be living. We have, in this country, two million children under the age of sixteen years who are earning their bread. Tone. 11 2013. Dodge Durango. She delivered the following speech before the convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association in Philadelphia on July 22,1905. Florence Kelly, who was engaged though the hardship... ... AP Rhetorical Essay - Florence Kelley Copyright © 2020 IPL.org All rights reserved. Imagery Scholarly Appeal to Pathos: Sensuous "Shameful law repeal" Plain "Pitiful privilege" Factual Appeal to Ethos: Learned "Little beasts of burden" Formal Concrete So on July 22, 1905, she delivered a speech to the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA), analyzing, and explaining the problems with children in … Florence Kelley, an American social and political reformer, avidly fought for both woman suffrage and child labor laws. Rhetorical choices is another way of saying language choices, so what you're asking is how does that author's purpose impact the language in the text. Florence Kelley delivered a speech before the convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association in Philadelphia on July 22, 1905. Florence Kelley uses many rhetorical devices to portray her message about child labor in her speech. Deprived families are lacked income which has led to some children seeking different, lower paid work, selling drugs and even prostitution in some cases. Prompt: Florence Kelley was a United States social worker and reformer who fought successfully for child labor laws and improved conditions for working women. 2. As a labor rights activist, Florence Kelley needed to provide a compelling speech in order to get supporters in the effort to reform child labor laws. Hull House used the latest methodology (pioneering in statistical mapping) to study overcrowding, truancy, typhoid fever, cocaine, children’s reading, … She presented very good arguments and persuaded many people to follow what she was arguing about. Her use of rhetorical devices provides her the eloquence to which she is able to better support her argument, as well as make her audience feel more included and involved in the cause. She adopts a passionate tone in order to demonstrate the severe conditions of child labor. Florence Kelley, a passionate and articulate woman delivers her speech towards child labor at … NIEUWSBRIEF; CONTACT; FAQs In her speech at the National American Woman Suffrage Association’s convention in Philadelphia she used many rhetorical strategies to get across the points of how women and children are treated in the working world. Her findings and articles sparked legislators to limit women’s working hours, prohibit child labor, and regulate sweatshops. On July 22nd, 1905, Florence Kelley delivered her speech in Philadelphia striving for improved child labor laws. Retrieved 11, 2013, from https://www.studymode.com/essays/Florence-Kelley-Child-Labor-Speech-Analysis-43320777.html, "Florence Kelley Child Labor Speech Analysis" StudyMode.com. Occasion. Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest. Kelley not only pleads to the audience to consider sympathy for the children, but the government should respond with a justifiable answer because at the moment, mothers and teachers do not have a say about the laws, preventing mothers and teachers from being heard. ...In her speech to the National American Women Suffrage Association in 1905, Florence Kelly encourages women to fight against child labor by illustrating how the children suffer and by emphasizing the extent child labor has reached. Florence Kelley accomplished a lot in her lifetime and therefore she is still remembered today. This is an example of a rhetorical question, in view of the fact that she compels the audience to keenly reflect on the current child labor laws. She was college-educated and became a follower of Karl Marx. Analysis Diction Syntax: Short sentences, repetitive phrases (example: "while we sleep"), listed facts. 11 2013 , "Florence Kelley Child Labor Speech Analysis" StudyMode.com. Home — Essay Samples — History — Florence Kelley — Florence Kelley’s Speech Regarding Child Labor Laws: a Literary Analysis This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Our library contains thousands of carefully selected free research papers and essays. Florence Kelley (1859-1932) was a United States social worker and reformer who fought successfully for child labor laws and improved conditions for working women. The context of the text was to support women’s rights by encouraging women to better themselves as wives by valuing intelligence and culture over beauty. Kelley uses parallelism, tone, and emotional appeal to support her position against child labor. Imagery Scholarly Appeal to Pathos: Sensuous "Shameful law repeal" Plain "Pitiful privilege" Factual Appeal to Ethos: Learned "Little beasts of burden" Formal Concrete The speaker's attitude toward the subject. 2011 Q2: Florence Kelley (1859-1932) was a United States social worker and reformer who fought successfully for child labor laws and improved conditions for working women. Edward T. Devine, quoted in Child Labor and Social Progress (New York: National Child Labor Committee, 1908), p. 8. In the 1890s Julia Lathrop, Florence Kelley, and other residents of the house made it a world center of social reform activity. In her speech to the National American Women Suffrage Association in 1905, Florence Kelly encourages women to fight against child labor by illustrating how the children suffer and by emphasizing the extent child labor has reached. Kelley furthers her argument in paragraph nine, expressing, “Would the New Jersey Legislature have passed that shameful repeal bill enabling girls of fourteen years to work all night, if the mothers in New Jersey were enfranchised? BeeCareful-BeeSustainable-BeeResponsible-BeeCool-BeeWare. She delivered the following speech before the convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association in Philadelphia on July 22, 1905. social reformer Florence Kelley, an advocate for reforming child labor laws and extending voting rights to women, to the National American Woman Suffrage Association convention in 1905. Olga Khazan uses mostly pathos throughout her article to connect with the readers and parents. Other ways with schemes to help child... ...Child labor in the industrial revolution still affects children today for many reasons. (Kelley 59-62). She talks of the conditions children working in, the hours they were going in, and all in all, how wrong child labor was. Her purpose for this was to gain support of people to petition for the end of child labor. In her speech demanding child labor laws, Florence Kelley expresses her outright disgust with the conditions in which poor, innocent children must work, utilizing … She is unwavering in every sentence, and her determination to end child labor is paramount. Web. She took many actions in trying to improve child labor and women’s suffrage issues in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Betty Friedan pushed for equal pay, unsexualized ads, maternity leave and childcare centers: women and men could both work outside the home. In Florence Kelley’s speech before the National American Woman Suffrage Association in Philadelphia 1905, Kelley addresses the overwhelming problem of child labor in the United States. Senator Beveridge, the Teddy Roosevelt Progressive whose pet causes were child labor and imperialism, wailed that "whereas the children of the white working people of the South are going to the mill and to decay, the Negro children are going to school and improvement." They made sacrifices for their family and their health just to get food on the table. "Florence Kelley Child Labor Speech Analysis" StudyMode.com. Kelley uses a variety of rhetorical strategies, in her speech, to help men and women become aware of the issue on child labor. The blending of these devices truly enhances her point and drive the reader to do something about her cause: improving child labor laws. She delivered the following speech before the convention of the 11 2013. The prompt directed students to “analyze the rhetorical strategies Kelley uses to convey her message about child labor … Many of these children are from very poor families and work to pay for their family and/or their education. Rhetorical Analysis Of Florence Kelley's Speech On Child Labor 1037 Words 5 Pages Guilt and lack of empowerment can cause people to stand up for what they believe in. Child labor laws have always been an extremely emotional topic, with people holding various beliefs about what is deemed acceptable. Read the speech carefully. Stevie Branche Mr. Neden AP Lang 11/26 The speech given by Florence Kelley in 1905 before the National American Women Suffrage Association provides numerous facts about the severity of child labor in order to change children’s working conditions and hours. Accessed 11, 2013. https://www.studymode.com/essays/Florence-Kelley-Child-Labor-Speech-Analysis-43320777.html. As an impact of that, The Feminine Mystique made the women’s rate of election into office increase due to the desire to get out of the house. Florence Kelley [WOAH 09-12] was one of the giants of that generation of women who worked so hard to force American industry to adopt humane conditions. To achieve her purpose, Kelley prods her audience of both men and women to fight for the right for women to … Children are put to work in harsh conditions, conditions often deemed difficult even for adults, and are forced to work ridiculous hours. (9) Florence Kelley, letter to Friedrich Engels about her success in converted people to socialism (27th November, 1892) The increased discussion of socialism here is very marked, though the study of books and requests for lectures come almost exclusively from people of the prosperous middle classes. She was a well-known advocate for socialism, women's suffrage, civil rights for freed blacks, and regulations on child labor. On July 22, 1905, Kelley gave a speech before the National American Woman Suffrage Association in Philadelphia which regarded both aspects. Amanda Kramer Mrs. Hockmuth AP Lang P4 December 17, 2020 Kelley Prompt Throughout the nineteenth century, many women and children fought for equal rights and freedom from their terrible working conditions. Florence Kelley employs rhetorical questions in parallel structure to make the audience contemplate her ideas. Women at the convention and the male voters (women can't vote until 1920, remember?) Beginning in the third paragraph, Kelley uses an appeal to emotion to make her argument on child labor stronger. The feeling created by the words. By: Florence Kelley. Notable Speeches and Addresses by U.S. Women, 1849–present > Speaks Out on Child Labor and Woman Suffrage ; Cite. https://pressblog.uchicago.edu/2012/11/06/jane-addams-citizen.html One way she supports these issues by showing different parenting approaches “Things that parents model very often influence how children behave as children and adults.” (Khazan). As a labor rights activist, Florence Kelley needed to provide a compelling speech in order to get supporters in the effort to reform child labor laws. In Philadelphia on July 22, 1905, social worker and reformer, Florence Kelley, stands before mothers and wives of men who can vote at the National American Woman Suffrage Association convention.During his convention Kelley delivers a successful speech on the importance of child labor laws. Kelley talks about all the horrors children were going through and the injustices they were suffering. Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest. In this case, the rhetorical question is if mothers had the right to vote, could the repealing of the bill, allowing girls of age, In paragraph four she says, “Tonight while we sleep, several thousand little girls will be working in textile mills, all the night through, in the deafening noise of the spindles and the looms spinning and weaving cotton and wool, silks and ribbons for us to buy.” With this passage, Kelley wants her audience to realize that while they sleep, children are making the products they go out and buy during the day. Stories such as this might prompt the public to put pressure on legislators to pass laws regulating the conditions under which children were allowed to perform industrial work. Students may note Kelley’s Florence Kelley Speaks Out on Child Labor. Child Labor was one of Florence Kelley’s main topics at a speech she gave in Philadelphia during a convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. She delivered the following speech before the convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association in Philadelphia on July 22,1905. In the thoughts of Betty Friedan in her Feminine Mystique, “The key to the trap is, of course, education. Florence Kelley (1859–1932) was an American social worker and reformer. Malevolent industry standards. Starting in 1892 in Chicago, Kelley did extensive investigative work delving into slum and sweatshop conditions. She specifies women as the audience by tailoring her speech towards women and appealing to their emotions, situations, and circumstances. Florence Kelley, a successful social worker delivered a speech in 1905 for the National American Woman Suffrage Association at Philadelphia.
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